Hey, I’m Katelyn!

Nutrition Services Available in Bellingham

For as long as I can remember, I have been active. I begged my parents to enroll me in every sport available to the point where they made me pick 2 per season. Obviously this eventually became one per season. Once I got to high school, I was dedicated to running. I loved it! But I felt like it didn’t love me. I suffered from various stress fractures that side lined me, one of which took 9 months and crutches to heal. At this time I also started to experience gut related pain and I felt like I was chronically bloated. My sports Dr. referred me to a physical therapist who helped me recover from my injuries as well as a nutritionist. My injuries came both from a nutritional deficiency and improper training/misalignment. I needed to add weight training into my endurance training regimen to be stronger and more durable and to even out any misalignments from always turning left around a track. The nutrition aspect however, was more complicated and took me years to figure out.

I kept getting stress fractures because I wasn’t getting enough nutrients to keep up with the demands of training. I was confused by this because I WAS eating enough and I was eating really healthy but still was getting injured. I also was chronically bloated, gassy and constipated. After what felt like FOREVER of trial and error and eating complete meals and counting macros, I was suggested by my Dr. to take out gluten and dairy and a lot of my problems went away within a month or so. Unfortunately this was not my real problem. I spent 7 years with gluten and dairy eliminated from my life and it certainly solved a lot of my bloating and constipation problems, however I was still getting injured and feeling under nourished and depleted. At this time I was a collegiate athlete, working, running and studying. I ALWAYS felt tired, I still had bouts of bloating and no matter how much I ate I was anemic, cold and felt like I was on the brink of injury. 

Long story short, I eventually learned that I was not gluten and dairy intolerant. I was having issues with my gut microbiome and my intestinal lining which caused me to have brain fog and not absorb all the nutrients. After figuring out the root cause of my symptoms, I was able to repaired my gut microbiome and reintroduce foods that I hadn't eaten in nearly 7 years. I gained energy, food freedom and the best part was getting rid of brain fog. This was a funny symptom in that I didn't even realize I had brain fog until one day I realized my brain was functioning so well and when I socialized and spoke to people I didn't feel fuzzy and sluggish. I was stronger and more durable and able to pursue new passions and enjoy life even more!

I pursued a masters in science in Nutrition to compliment my BS in kinesiology and my license in massage therapy. With these three pillars of my profession and  passions collide and I am able to help athletes just like you to concore both injury and GI distress. I have designed a 12 week program to help endurance athletes gain strength, repair from chronic injury and heal thier gut microbiome through 1:1 individualized coaching along side education. Together I want to watch others gain energy, dump injury and feel like the best versions of thierselves!