Hey Friend, I’m glad you’re here.

Let’s make your body cooperate with your big goals, give you enough energy to play as hard as you want, and get your GI tract on board with your lifestyle.

I’m a Licensed Nutritionist in Bellingham, WA who specializes in gut health for active people.

Do you make healthy food and lifestyle choices yet STILL struggle with digestive symptoms?

Nutrition can feel complicated. Do you ever feel like despite getting enough sleep and eating all the veggies, are you still lethargic all day? Sometimes your nutrition and lifestyle choices can impact your gut health (even if they seam healthy). Through the help of stool samples, food logs, and daily activity journals, we can get a complete look into YOU and what the root cause to your digestive problems are.

No Matter what you do, your iron levels are low, you have brain fog, IBS, SIBO and/or other inflammation issues.

Let’s look into this! This is NOT normal and it IS curable. With the help of a stool sample and a diet analysis, we can figure out what is REALLY going on inside and make actionable steps to change your gut for the better and get you feeling energetic, strong, and feeling fly!

Working with a Nutritionist:

Deciding where to start with nutrition is difficult. It’s often the missing link for a healthy lifestyle, to training and to assist in restoring a healthy gut microbiome. Information about nutrition is often convoluted and contradictory, making it hard to find the right solutions for your individual body. As a nutritionist, my role is to guide you into a nutrition plan that works best for your lifestyle and your unique body and your bodies unique needs. 

I help athletes increase energy and performance, decrease GI distress and regulate their hormones through a holistic, root cause approach and nail down a system them works to feel balanced, confidant and properly fueled!

Roadmap to Gut Health

  • A person in Bellingham working on learning about digestive health

    Start- Identify your root causes and lifestyle.

    We’ll start by diving into all things YOU. We will take a 360 degree look into your diet, lifestyle, health history. We will work together to identify the root cause of your digestive or low energy problems. At this time we may order additional tests to dive even deeper into you.

  • Plan- An individualized program designed juuuuust for you.

    We will create a nutrition and lifestyle plan and monitor your symptoms, energy levels and overall satisfaction with your INDIVIDUALIZED program. We’ll meet up regularly to problem solve, tweak, and educate.

  • Refine and Enjoy- We'll foster your most ideal energy levels and digestion and refine the BEST plan for you.

    Your healing journey is not linear. At this phase of the plan we will continue to create and tweak your plan to optimize your success!

  • Nutrition Coaching

    1:1 Nutrition counseling for active individuals with digestive disorders or nutrition support to take your sport to the next level!

    Stool samples + Full diet analysis to create a comprehensive plan to get you to your best self!

  • Nutrition + Training

    1:1 Nutrition Coaching with stool samples testing and a diet analysis to create a plan to get your health on track.

    Exercise program to get you strong and durable. This is great for you if you have dealt with chronic injury, are training for a bog and cool scary goal, or simply are starting from scratch.

Green Creek Wellness Digestive Health Services in Bellingham

I’m obsessed with your gut health.

Your health status is so dependent on your gut health. If you feel like something just feels “off”, it’s time to take a look under the hood.

Digestive health is a key player in you athletic performance, mental health, skin health, and maintaining your energy levels.

Stop relying on symptoms magically disappearing just because you start a new vitamin regimen. Check out what really is happening!

As a gut health specialist in Bellingham, WA, I combine your current diet practices with the information from your stool sample to create a plan that works specifically for YOU.

You will walk away with a complete understanding of your body and knowledge of how to change/alter it to better your gut health and performance. You will grain a respect for your amazing body and learn ways to nourish it so you THRIVE.